Café Latte Rhapsody!
Genre´s: Drama, Romance, Shounen Ai, Yaoi.
This Manga starts in a bookshop where Serizawa workes. He´s a short 23 year- old male with freckles. One day a tall, very tall and "scary" looking guy comes in to the shop and helps Serizawa with taking down a book from a shelf. I know, very cliché. But from there a romantic and fun relationship begins. The "scary" looking guy is actually not very scary looking. And he´s very childish and cute in his acts.
I know! I´m SO SO sorry. This isn´t a Shoujo but a friend gave me a tips for this and Its actually very sweet and fun. Just make sure your nor homophobic if you choose to read this. I don´t have anything about homosexual relationships so I might read some more Shounen Ai´s in the future. It´s just that this Manga doesn´t reach out to me very good. It doesn´t happen alot. It is just more of a short love story. But it is actually 5 Chapters.
Genre´s: Drama, Romance, Shounen Ai, Yaoi.
This Manga starts in a bookshop where Serizawa workes. He´s a short 23 year- old male with freckles. One day a tall, very tall and "scary" looking guy comes in to the shop and helps Serizawa with taking down a book from a shelf. I know, very cliché. But from there a romantic and fun relationship begins. The "scary" looking guy is actually not very scary looking. And he´s very childish and cute in his acts.
I know! I´m SO SO sorry. This isn´t a Shoujo but a friend gave me a tips for this and Its actually very sweet and fun. Just make sure your nor homophobic if you choose to read this. I don´t have anything about homosexual relationships so I might read some more Shounen Ai´s in the future. It´s just that this Manga doesn´t reach out to me very good. It doesn´t happen alot. It is just more of a short love story. But it is actually 5 Chapters.
My Rate: SSSSS
This Manga is Completed.
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This Manga is Completed.
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